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North Dakota

We hope this page serves as a landing pad for learning about amphibians, reptiles, and their conservation. The resources featured were compiled by members of the MW PARC Advisory Board with input from other professionals working in amphibian and reptile conservation and management.
If links or information are out of date, please let us know!

State species

North Dakota doesn't have a state amphibian or reptile. However, at least 31 species of reptiles and amphibians call this state home. That includes one species of rattlesnake - the Prairie Rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis; pictured here).

This image of a Prairie Rattlesnake is being shared with permission from the photographer from the Amphibian and Reptiles of North Dakota webpage.


Field guides and species accounts

Amphibians and Reptiles of North DakotaThis is the herp atlas for the state. It summarizes species information and occurance data. 

North Dakota Reptiles and AmphibiansThis site contains species accounts and range maps for species of amphibians and reptiles in the state.

North Dakota Amphibians and Reptiles Checklist. This is the iNaturalist list of species found in the state.

Amphibians of Theodore Roosevelt National Park. A list of the species of amphibians found at this national park. 

Reptiles of Theodore Roosevelt National Park. A list of the species of reptiles found at this national park. 

Conservation and management

North Dakota Wildlife Action Plan. The North Dakota Game and Fish Department maintains this plan and multiple species of herps are included in the proposed revisions for the 2025 plan. You can review the draft 2025 plan, as well as view the past plan, online.


Individuals planning to kill, take, or possess wildlife, including amphibians and reptiles, in North Dakota are required to obtain a Scientific Collections License from the North Dakota Game and Fish Department.

Community science and local organizations

Bismark Herpetological Society. This is the Facebook page for a community group where you can share knowledge and experience about amphibians, reptiles, and invertebrates.

Technical literature

Johnson, D.H. and Batie, R.D. 2001. Surveys of calling amphibians in North Dakota. The Prairie Naturalist. (PDF).

Hossack, B.R., Corn, P.S., and Pilliod, D.S. 2005. Lack of significant changes in the herpetofauna of Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota, since the 1920s. American Midland Naturalist. (PDF)

Murphy, R.K., Danley, R.F., and Moore, P.K. 2006. Amphibians and reptiles in a mixed-grass prairie in northwestern North Dakota. The Prairie Naturalist. (PDF)

© 2025 Midwest Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation

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