Congratulations to Phoebe Will on winning this year's MWPARC Logo Contest! We are crazy about the Kirtland's Snake (Clonophis kirtlandii) design!
Get this design on merchandise at our store!
SSAR/PARC 2024 Conference
It was great to see everyone at our joint conference with the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles (SSAR)!
Thank you to all the speakers who participated in symposia, and to those who attended talks, socials, and workshops.
Thank you to our sponsors!

Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin
(Gold Level Sponsor)
The Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin protects our state’s lands, waters, and wildlife by providing funding, leading partnerships, and connecting all people with nature. We established the Wisconsin Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Fund to provide sustainable funding support for herptile conservation. Learn more and make a difference: www.wisconservation.org/warcf.
Potter Park Zoo
(Silver Level Sponsor)
Potter Park Zoo in Michigan conserves wildlife and inspires action through engaging exhibits, education programs, and conservation initiatives, fostering a connection between people and nature.

Our herp-themed trivia at the Saturday student social was a hit! Here is a quick image of part of the room during the visual trivia round. SSAR/PARC Joint Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, 2024.

Thanks to Leslie Gittemeier for taking this group photo of the 2023 MWPARC Conference in-person attendees! The 2023 conference took place at the Touch of Nature Center in Illinois.