We hope this page serves as a landing pad for learning about amphibians, reptiles, and their conservation. The resources featured were compiled by members of the MW PARC Advisory Board with input from other professionals working in amphibian and reptile conservation and management.
If links or information are out of date, please let us know!
State species
The state amphibian of Illinois is the Eastern Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum), whereas the state reptile is the Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta). Illinois also has a state snake - the Eastern Milksnake (Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum).
Larval Eastern Tiger Salamanders, pictured here, are important predators in freshwater wetlands and reach impressive sizes!

Field guides and species accounts
Field Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles of Illinois. Written by Christopher A. Phillips, John A. Crawford, and Andrew R. Kuhns. (Available for purchase online)
Keys to Illinois Species. Illinois Natural History Survey. These dichotomous keys can help you identify species in the state.
Lists of species of amphibians and reptiles in Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey.
Species of amphibians and reptiles by county in Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey.
Conservation and management
Illinois Dept. of Natural Resources Wildlife Action Plan. This plan is designed to maintain and improve conditions for populations of Species in Greatest Conservation Need.
Educational Resources - Illinois Amphibians and Reptiles. This is a collection of free educational materials about species in the state. It includes podcasts, lesson plans, and more!
There are multiple regulations surrounding the sale and culture of amphibians and reptiles in Illinois. You can learn more about laws surrounding these subjects via the Illinois General Assembly Legislation website.
A Herptile Scientific Collection Permit is required to do research on, take, or salvage non-listed species of amphibians and reptiles in Illinois.
Community science and local organizations
Chicago Herpetological Society. The mission of this group is to educate, promote conservation, and facilitate cooperation between amateur and professional herpetologists.
Calling Frog Survey. This community-science effort documents calling frogs across the state and began in 2000.
Eastern Illinois University Box Turtle Community Project. This community-science initiative focuses on understanding Box Turtle status and behavior in Coles County, Illinois.
Friends of the Chicago River Turtle Monitoring. This volunteer monitoring project trains members of the public to identify and collect data about turtle nesting sites.
List of herpetologists in the state. The Illinois Natural History Survey Herpetology Collection maintains a list of herpetologists living in the state or nearby.
Technical literature
Bulletins of the Chicago Herpetological Society. PDFs of bulletins from 1990 forward are available online.
Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science. This is a refereed scientific journal that has been published since 1908. Manuscripts from 1917 forward are available online.
Museum collections
University of Illinois Museum of Natural History (UIMNH). There are approximately 100,000 catalogued specimens of amphibians and reptiles in this collection. Specimen loans are avaiilable to researchers, and the Type Catalogue for the UIMNH Herpetology Collection can be reviewed online.
Illinois Natural History Survey Amphibian and Reptile Collection. The INHS Amphibian and Reptile collection includes about 40,000 catalogued specimens with an emphasis on species in Illinois. They also maintain a history of herpetology in the state.
Field Museum of Natural History. The Amphibian and Reptile Collection at the Field Museum is one of the six largest herp collections in the USA. Learn more about the history of the Field Museum via their website.
Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum. This museum's collection includes more than 23,200 specimens of amphibians and reptiles.
Illinois State Museum. The Illinois State Museum collection includes a variety of specimens, including vertebrates like amphibians and reptiles from the midwest.