Get Involved
Do you work with amphibians and or reptiles in the Midwest? Are you interested in learning more about these animals and their habitats? Do you want to build your professional network, or connect with other folks who share similar interests? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then consider joining Midwest PARC!
It's free to join Midwest PARC! Become a member by signing up for our Google Group. You'll need a Google Account to be added to the email listserv and to post to the group.
Visit the MW PARC Google Group
How to create a Google Account (you do not have to change your email address)

Get involved through a Project or Task Team
Task Teams within MWPARC are a great way to meet others working in the region. They also allow members to directly shape the products and overall initiatives pursued by MWPARC. Consider joining a Task Team this year! Email if interested.
Current Task Teams:
Blanchard's Cricket Frog Task Team. Co-Leads: Melissa Youngquist & Rori Paloski. This team is aiming to update our knowledge about the current status of Blanchard's Cricket Frogs (Acris blanchardii) in the Midwest. You can help by listening and looking for frogs, and reporting your findings! Learn more here.
Outreach and Communications Task Team (OCTT). Co-Leads: Jesse Sockman & Danielle Galvin. Produce content for social media, the MW PARC website, and quarterly newsletters. Our purpose is to promote knowledge about the conservation of amphibians and reptiles, and facilitate connection and a sense of community among those interested in herpetology in the Midwest.
Crawfish Frog Task Team. Co-Leads: Nate Engbrecht & Melissa Youngquist. This team was created to serve as a collaborative platform for biologists, researchers, and individuals interested in crawfish frog research and conservation in the Midwest. An email listserv is being created for this new team to enhance communication and facilitate discussion between meetings. Plans are being made to develop a crawfish frog “best management practices” document for land managers.